
我們用各種不同的教學方式,讓學習能更貼近學生真實的生活 。 我們希望藉看見自己一天一天明顯的進步,進而找到自己學習的動力。 我們特別感謝從日本來的木島同學,願意與大家分享她第一次用中文點餐的實境影片, 讓大家更了解我們一部分的課程內容,希望看了影片的您也能受到鼓勵和啟發。

木島小姐的基本資料:她是位道地的日本人。以前曾學過華語,雖然看得懂很多漢字卻不能掌握簡單的基本對話。 經過16小時的課程,他能自然地使用全中文訂到餐廳的位子了!

My teacher at Lingo Lab is a patient and skillful Chinese instructor. She takes the time to understand what you need, and can adapt the lessons to fit each student. She lets you take your time to be able to understand the material properly, while still giving enough of a challenge. She is able to determine your level of Chinese quickly and give you what you need to grow. She is encouraging, helpful, and knows what she is doing.


Her English is very good, and she has no trouble understanding people who speak English properly. She knows how to listen, and can focus on providing the instruction you need to give you the vocabulary to express your ideas in Chinese clearly and quickly.I highly recommend this school.
